Дата: Вторник, 11.10.2016, 12:15 | Сообщение # 661
Группа: Гости
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Добавлено (11.10.2016, 23:58) --------------------------------------------- Steve Shinnick, All Systems Integration <a href="http://printing-in-china.com/label-printing/">custom vinyl stickers</a> <a href="http://printing-in-china.com/office-supplies/">office equipment</a> JHC: Digital generally is often a big part from the future, including cross media, personalized URLs, Twitter, blogs (heck, even I possess a blog at http://printingindustrymergers.blogspot.com), data management, data analytics … We are becoming into data analytics in a very big way. A quantity of our plants are receiving certified for SAS 70, the gold standard for data security. At one facility, an internet casino customer were built with a disk delivered in a armored truck, and that we loaded pallets in the armored car to return the printed materials. Of course, loading pallets within an armored vehicle just isn't your evryday occurrence, but this is usually a good demonstration of how some people are taking security very seriously. Data is crucial in relation to its new strategies to bring value to customers. Our biggest sales opportunities today usually are not to print buyers but alternatively to marketing departments where we can teach that we have been a valued consultant who will increase a person’s sales by managing effective print campaigns for him or her. Digital and print when needed has a whole lot to perform using this. It is incredibly effective in regards to lowering the whole tariff of ownership to the customer. ,Exploring the Image Quality Gap - Part B: Results & Conclusions Methodology ,<a href="http://printing-in-china.com/box-printing/">custom cardboard boxes</a> <a href="http://printing-in-china.com">print business cards</a> printing-in-china.com
Добавлено (12.10.2016, 01:09) --------------------------------------------- Finishing and Quality Control for Variable Data Printing Projects <a href="http://printing-in-china.com/office-supplies/">business office supplies</a> <a href="http://printing-in-china.com/box-printing/">custom cardboard boxes</a> The times, they really are a’changin – truly historic sea-change. ,Variable Data Printing Gains New Footholds, Part 1 Gecht: EFI features a good reputation for developing innovative products and eBeam is really a result of the innovative environment. This low-cost product allows end users to get in touch to a existing whiteboard directly towards the Internet so they can share, save, print, or e-mail whatever they draw around the board. eBeam is a more imaging product we brought towards the target boost the productivity of customers. Question: EFI offers several software products for the printing and graphic arts industries. Which will be the most favored product and why? Gecht: EFI offers software items that appeal to your range of customers. We have solutions to the demanding graphic arts professional, the corporate business environment, and desktop users. We see growing popularity individuals Velocity suite and believe the brand new GA software we merely released will likely be incredibly successful. Question: You’ve been with EFI for eight years now. Two years back you went from being President to CEO. How has that alternation in vantage point changed your thinking regarding the company along with the industry? Gecht: I feel I have much more responsibility now. Not just for our shareholders, customers and employees, but also to the Printing Industry, which currently is suffering the effects of the slow spending environment. For EFI to be successful, that is a must advance. This drives EFI and myself to work harder in providing our share of support to our industry. Question: Recently EFI reported for the last quarter in 2001 revenues for that quarter were down $70 million in the same quarter in 2000. What part of that reduction was due on the economy and what exactly is EFI’s outlook for 2002 revenues? Gecht: Our Q4 revenue in 2001 was roughly 20% below the same quarter 12 months earlier. No doubt the cruel economy and also the slow demand of color devices hurt our results. We didn’t provide any revenue guidance for your 12 month 2002, but we repeatedly asserted we have been devoted to always invest heavily in developing technology which will increase efficiency and competitiveness of print professionals. ,<a href="http://printing-in-china.com/office-supplies/">stationery supplies</a> <a href="http://printing-in-china.com/office-supplies/">office supply companies</a> printing-in-china.com
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Добавлено (12.10.2016, 05:55) --------------------------------------------- Недавно хотела найти в интернете информацию, как повысить мужскую силу для моего молодого человека и как-то случайно нактнулась на обсуждение на форуме http://shakesclick.com/SqET/ - Ксюши Стриженко. Раньше сколько ни покупала ему разные лекарства и разные всякие таблетки, все напрасно, в 37 лет все, облом. Ксения Стриженко посоветовала средство со странным названием Молот Тора! , то есть выжимка из более чем 26 редких животных и растений. Получилось, Молот Тора уже больше 10 лет есть в продаже за рубежом и надавно поступил в продажу в нашей стране. Заказала себе у них же на сайте, так как боюсь подделок, а официальный производитель только здесь. Оплатила на почте спустя десять дней, все без обмана. Тайком подливала ему в чай незаметно добавляла ему в кофе. Эффект был уже через 2 дня, по настоящему помогает. Ну вот так нахвасталась своей покупкой и надеюсь что кому-либо понравится.
Добавлено (12.10.2016, 06:15) --------------------------------------------- Где-то две недели назад как-то случайно узнала на медицинском форуме о новом препарате для лечения простатита – Простодин, которое открыли ученые АндроГосцентра в в конце 2012 года. Все дело в том, что у моего супруга вдруг нашли хронический простатит, с потенцией у него всё в порядке, не жалуется. Сказали, что если сейчас это лечить, то всё будет нормально, но если хронический, мы испугались, не знали, как быть. Мы боялись, что болезнь приведет к бесплодию, а мы хотим стать родителями. Врач сказал, что волноваться не надо, если лечить сейчас, и прописал Простодин. Сейчас, спустя 3 месяца, мой муж чувствует себя замечательно! Результат налицо. Заказала ему там же на http://kshop.biz/2t4vEE/ - официальном сайте, так как опасаюсь подделок, все инструкции, рекомендации и сертификаты Минсздрава пришли в комплекте, платила на почте спустя 8 дней, все без обмана! . В общем так и надеюсь что кому-нибудь будет интересно и полезно.
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How RR Donnelley Snatched Banta Away from Cenveo: Retracing the Negotiations from Deadlock to Done Deal <a href="http://printing-in-china.com/box-printing/">color print</a> <a href="http://printing-in-china.com">business card printing</a> • January, 2025: CIP124 links to each and every person’s cerebral cortex. Total workflow a real possibility. ,How Printable Survived the Dot Com Bomb and Learned to Love the Recession Ben Markens: Most in the issues are normal to many people segments of U.S. manufacturing, like lower-priced competition from overseas and stringent governmental regulations, including proposed legislation on extended producer responsibility (EPR). We’ve also found out that certain misconceptions about packaging—specially the supposed superiority of lighter weight substrates for example flexible plastics—have confused the general public. When you believe about this, when compared with fossil fuel-based packaging, paperboard will be the obvious option for recyclability, renewability, and sustainability. ,<a href="http://printing-in-china.com">publishing companies</a> <a href="http://printing-in-china.com/box-printing/">custom printed shipping boxes</a> printing-in-china.com
Дата: Четверг, 13.10.2016, 01:30 | Сообщение # 670
Группа: Гости
Environmental Aspects of Printing Inks <a href="http://printing-in-china.net/box-printing.html">Box Printing</a> <a href="http://printing-in-china.net/label-printing.html">Label Printing</a> Sherburne and Zwang have spent time with Adobe reviewing this announcement and discussing its potential impact within the market. And it is really an important topic in view that, as outlined by Adobe, and cited within an IDC white paper given to WhatTheyThink by Adobe, a lot more than 90,000 systems throughout the globe are based around the Adobe PDF Print Engine and are also utilised in live production. IDC states, “This latest release demonstrates Adobe’s ongoing innovation and leadership on the web, which extends back to its founding twenty six years ago.” APPE may be implemented across various industry segments, including CTP, digital presses and enormous format printers. ,Publishing Forecast: Tackling Web 2.0 Mike has become one on the principal architects behind Xerox's FreeFlow Digital Workflow Collection and has now recently taken with a new role as Vice President in the Production Solutions Business Unit of Xerox's Production Systems Group. In this role, Mike is to blame for product strategy, planning and delivery for most of Xerox's high-end digital systems with the graphic communications industry. This includes all color and black-and-white production systems such as iGen3, DocuColor, Nuvera, DocuTech, DocuPrint and wide-format product lines. ,<a href="http://printing-in-china.net/Book-Printing.html">Book Printing</a> 锘?a href="http://printing-in-china.net/">printing services</a> printing-in-china.net
Добавлено (13.10.2016, 00:48) --------------------------------------------- Reaching Out with TransPromo in Financial Services <a href="http://printing-in-china.net/office-supplies.html">Office Supplies</a> <a href="http://printing-in-china.net/Paper-Gift-Printing.html">Paper Gift</a> Pitney Bowes has published a white paper in regards to the way ahead for mailing: ,Donnelley and Bowne: Financial Printing Powerhouse Fujifilm Electronic Imaging (FFEI), formerly Crosfield, and now a personal company, made the concept and the digital press. EDale provides flexo units. Fujifilm came up with inks and supplies the distribution, installation and service network within the United States. Xaar provides inkjet heads. ,<a href="http://printing-in-china.net/">printing in china</a> <a href="http://printing-in-china.net/">printing solutions</a> printing-in-china.net
Добавлено (13.10.2016, 01:30) --------------------------------------------- Production: A Common Sense Approach <a href="http://printing-in-china.com/office-supplies/">office supply storage</a> <a href="http://printing-in-china.com/office-supplies/">business office supplies</a> Connecting with non-English Speaking Customers ,Insight Into EFI's Planned Acquisition of T/R Systems But knowing specifically what 2020 is likely to specifically appear to be is beside the purpose, because the goal from the “this time forward” approach would be to create a print business that's nimble enough to alter since the market will continue to change. If we build a small business based around the market of 2020, we shouldn’t assume that people’re done. The market will alter next, obviously. Creating a 2020-centric business is a lot more of your metaphor; the thought would be to create a business that will adapt to your rapidly changing market, as interest in certain varieties of print products adapt as indeed does the need for almost any sort of product. ,<a href="http://printing-in-china.com/paper-gift-printing/">wrapping paper</a> <a href="http://printing-in-china.com/paper-gift-printing/">custom wraps</a> printing-in-china.com
Дата: Пятница, 14.10.2016, 13:25 | Сообщение # 671
Группа: Гости
Free Special - Shelley Sweeney, VP and General Manager, Service Bureau Division, Xerox 锘?a href="http://printing-in-china.com">book printing</a> <a href="http://printing-in-china.com/book-printing/">publish books</a> Figure 3: What amount of your transactional documents carry out the following applications are the reason for? TransPromo could be the inevitable blend of transactional printing and proactive marketing. The key with the marketing executive is the fact TransPromo documents are uniquely effective at meeting the media marketing challenge like few other communication vehicle. First, TransPromo documents are dependant on familiarity with client demographics and consumer markets. This means the promotional messaging could be directly connected to relevant information in regards to the consumer. The marketer can utilize existing data to cross-sell, up–sell, and build customer loyalty. ,In-Plants Stay Competitive by Responding to Change LEP continues to be an HP property since 2001, the entire year HP acquired the business (Indigo N.V.) that first brought it to showcase in 1993. HP expanded into high-volume production inkjet with the introduction of their first machine of the type at drupa 2008. Now the series is called PageWide Web Press, and even though HP won’t disclose the size from the installed base, it does are convinced that PageWide presses now account approximately one-quarter of pages via production inkjet devices. PageWide industry is thought to have cumulatively printed 150 billion pages around the machines since 2010. ,<a href="http://printing-in-china.com/office-supplies/">quality office supplies</a> <a href="http://printing-in-china.com/box-printing/">custom printed shipping boxes</a> printing-in-china.com
Добавлено (13.10.2016, 10:44) --------------------------------------------- Integration: What's It Really All About? <a href="http://printing-in-china.net/box-printing.html">packaging boxes</a> <a href="http://printing-in-china.net/">printing solutions</a> Figure 3: How did the revenues/budget as part of your print production department change between 2012 and 2013? ,The Chinese Challenge At Print 05, ,<a href="http://printing-in-china.net/Book-Printing.html">Book Printing</a> <a href="http://printing-in-china.net/">print solutions</a> printing-in-china.net
Добавлено (13.10.2016, 12:59) --------------------------------------------- FREE: Review of IPA's Technical Seminar and Color Proofing Roundup <a href="http://printing-in-china.com/box-printing/">personalised box</a> <a href="http://printing-in-china.com/label-printing/">label printer</a> Marke Baker, president of Mitsubishi Lithographic Presses, caught this pragmatic tone as part of his explanation with the urgency of committing to new equipment. “The longer waiting to buy new technology, the longer the learning curve to your personnel,” he was quoted saying. Because printing technology evolves so rapidly, those employed to operating 10-year-old equipment will ought to work tough to update their skills for Mitsubishi’s new Diamond V3000LX sheetfed press and one other high-performance litho equipment promoted on the show. ,The Economy...Zzzzz, The Halo Effect, 30 Days Notice An overview from the Bureau’s manufacturing routines may be found here. According to the BEP, the average cost of an note is 10 cents. In its 2014 Chief Financial Officer (CFO) Performance and Accountability Report, currency users are told that the cost per thousand notes was below standard that year because of production improvements and material cost savings. ,<a href="http://printing-in-china.com/box-printing/">custom printed boxes</a> <a href="http://printing-in-china.com/box-printing/">box packaging</a> printing-in-china.com
Добавлено (13.10.2016, 20:18) --------------------------------------------- Exploring Mobile Marketing Opportunities Beyond the Barcode <a href="http://printing-in-china.com/paper-gift-printing/">christmas wrapping</a> <a href="http://printing-in-china.com/box-printing/">cardboard boxes</a> Alton and the family represent an increasing movement in the printing industry to relieve the environmental impact in the conventional offset printing process. Working toward a carbon-neutral footprint isn't only responsible and critical on the well-being of any fragile earth and its particular inhabitants, but it really is also good business. ,Process-Free: The Holy Grail for Platemaking By WhatTheyThink Staff Published: January 23, 2006 ,<a href="http://printing-in-china.com/box-printing/">corrugated box manufacturers</a> <a href="http://printing-in-china.com/box-printing/">personalised box</a> printing-in-china.com
Добавлено (14.10.2016, 03:03) --------------------------------------------- Quark Moves On <a href="http://printing-in-china.com/box-printing/">cardboard boxes</a> <a href="http://printing-in-china.com/box-printing/">custom printed boxes</a> The option is vast. The opportunity for getting important work completed efficiently will there be. The only question that continues to be is: Are you taking full advantage with the Pro-Sourcing trend?In part two i have told, I'll review several techniques I've accustomed to discover the best contractors, doing great work, at amazingly cheap pricing. ,Taking the Pulse with the Industry My background is printing, not graphic design. One with the key problems in the senior high school level is finding people who can come away from industry to show a school graphic communications class. I voluntarily left printing to train at 45 yrs . old. It became a very big pay cut but because of the grace on the good Lord, I haven't looked back. Getting a pressman to go on a pay cut and try and adapt to your classroom environment is quite hard. Printers see things in right or wrong. The register and color is either right or wrong making it hard when utilizing teenagers. The money and adapting is often a big distraction to recruiting skilled pressman to instruct. Many teachers I've met are college graduates having a degree in design or art. I have never met many teachers that are former printers. Also, schools do not have the money to begin a printing program. It is cheaper to get a location filled with computers than printing equipment. They teach Photoshop and refer to it a printing/graphics program. The companies I have worked for usually had 2-5 graphic's people and 100's of manufacturing people. I enjoyed your article and I will share it with my students. ,<a href="http://printing-in-china.com/book-printing/">how to get a book published</a> <a href="http://printing-in-china.com/office-supplies/">office accessories</a> printing-in-china.com
Добавлено (14.10.2016, 05:01) --------------------------------------------- Organizations Sharpen Their Competitive Edge Through Consolidated Output Infrastructures <a href="http://printing-in-china.com/paper-gift-printing/">christmas gift wrap</a> <a href="http://printing-in-china.com/paper-gift-printing/">printing on tissue paper</a> The second reason would be the market opportunity Presstek has in front from it. At some time, Xerox had a legal contract with Presstek to offer the DI press, so I understood their offerings. I think such a digital offset complements pure digital printers within an important way. Jobs may be given to toner or digital offset according to run length, cost and time requirements. I think there can be a good income opportunity there as offset run lengths keep decline. And I might help coming from a business, strategic and go-to-market standpoint. ,Top 5 Mistakes with Web-to-Print Since Kodak has different inkjet technologies, let’s require a take a look at all of them. ,<a href="http://printing-in-china.com/box-printing/">box packaging</a> <a href="http://printing-in-china.com/office-supplies/">business office supplies</a> printing-in-china.com
Добавлено (14.10.2016, 06:08) --------------------------------------------- Chapter VI: Do Not Ponder <a href="http://printing-in-china.net/">print solutions</a> <a href="http://printing-in-china.net/office-supplies.html">Office Supplies</a> 1. Talk concerning the customer, and not about yourself. This seems painfully obvious, and I don't mean to insult your intelligence. But in my use sales organizations I am surprised from the frequency with which a final presentation focuses on the seller rather than for the customer. If you get nothing else right about building strong final presentations, please get this right. ,Digital & Offset Printing Trends in 2008 The Wrap Cup Masters vie for that regional title at FESPA Americas 2011. At FESPA London 2013, contenders from around the planet will compete for your title “Global Wrap Cup Masters Champion.” ,<a href="http://printing-in-china.net/box-printing.html">Box Printing</a> <a href="http://printing-in-china.net/">printing in china</a> printing-in-china.net
Добавлено (14.10.2016, 12:59) --------------------------------------------- Near Field Communications: Practical Value-Added Applications <a href="http://printing-in-china.com/box-printing/">personalised box</a> <a href="http://printing-in-china.com/office-supplies/">cheap stationery</a> JM: Animations can be a mix of two, or even more, 2D images that produce different 2D effects for example flip (changing of various images around the same spot), zoom, morph, rotation and movement. Depending about the quality with the lenticular sheeting, the capabilities in the software, the output resolution with the hardware along with the skills from the operator, one also might have combinations of effects for example two or maybe more 3D images actually flipping from you to definitely another, the place you obtain the canceling effect of seeing one image before you move the lens with your hand otherwise you walk by and pay attention to another image. ,Do You Need a Cybrarian? It’s About Them, Not About You ,<a href="http://printing-in-china.com/label-printing/">thermal labels</a> <a href="http://printing-in-china.com/box-printing/">paper box</a> printing-in-china.com
Добавлено (14.10.2016, 13:25) --------------------------------------------- Googled: A Book Review <a href="http://printing-in-china.com/office-supplies/">business office supplies</a> <a href="http://printing-in-china.com/label-printing/">custom vinyl stickers</a> Other items to consider, says Schaefer, are definitely the seller’s management expertise; the likely compatibility from the seller’s business culture along with the buyer’s; plus the “stickiness” (loyalty) with the seller’s customers. ,Trends to Watch in 2015: The Domination of Mobile Technology June 21, ,<a href="http://printing-in-china.com/label-printing/">clear labels</a> <a href="http://printing-in-china.com/paper-gift-printing/">christmas gift wrap boxes</a> printing-in-china.com
Дата: Пятница, 14.10.2016, 16:15 | Сообщение # 672
Группа: Гости
Четыре дня назад по случаю купила в интернете для ребенка наверное очень необходимую в наши неспокойные дни девайсу - детские часы с мобильным телефоном и GPS устройством !!!. И сейчас получается я постоянно в режиме реального времени с планшета или мобильника знаю где гуляет мой мелкий и могу позвонить ему прямо сразу на номер в часах-телефоне. Прикольно! В отношении безопасности детей то что надо. Заплатила 3 тысячи восемьсот рублей !!!. Все комплектующие есть в наборе, платила когда привезли спустя 10 дней!. В общем счастлива как слон, брала тут: Через пару дней взяла и дочке. Теперь спокойна. Ну так в общем надеюсь что кому-нибудь пригодится Смотрите картинки. Все контактные данные и сайты здесь в профиле.
Дата: Суббота, 15.10.2016, 04:40 | Сообщение # 673
Группа: Гости
Look Before You Leap <a href="http://printing-in-china.net/office-supplies.html">Office Supplies</a> 锘?a href="http://printing-in-china.net/">printing services</a> Succession planning, Williams and Russell agree, can be a key but often overlooked component of preparation available for sale. They say it's important to become ready by having an answer towards the question, Who'll step for your shoes? so how the buyer is usually assured of getting the whole management team constantly in place. ,Following the Money in Wide-Format Digital The very good news? There are myriad ways to follow postage expenditures more accurately and, to be a result, reduce those costs significantly. Some on the ways involve simply making just a couple of small adjustments with your mailroom operation; others undoubtedly are a bit more advanced and have to have a financial investment in new technology (i.e., mailroom software solutions). ,<a href="http://printing-in-china.net/office-supplies.html">Office Supplies</a> <a href="http://printing-in-china.net/Book-Printing.html">Book Printing</a> printing-in-china.net
Добавлено (14.10.2016, 17:55) --------------------------------------------- Kodak Puts in A Good Word for Print Before, During and After the Advertising Age 鈥淢edia Evolved鈥?Conference <a href="http://printing-in-china.com/box-printing/">corrugated box manufacturers</a> <a href="http://printing-in-china.com/box-printing/">box packaging</a> One from the most appropriate elements any company can have so that you can increase the risk for best possible decisions for their businesses is nice data. What equipment are companies using? Which vertical markets and end product areas are they serving? How is he attempting to enhance their competitive advantage? Each year, SGIA conducts its Specialty Imaging Industry Survey, the report ones gives a wealth of industry information. Our 2015 survey happens to be open (and will be through the final of February). If your business currently serves wide-format market/product areas, I would like to invite that you take our survey. Simply put, the greater responses we get, the higher our data is. So, please, allow us out by using this link: ,Kodak, Does it Have a Future? By Dr. Joe Webb Published: November 15, 2010 ,<a href="http://printing-in-china.com/box-printing/">printed boxes</a> <a href="http://printing-in-china.com/label-printing/">product labels</a> printing-in-china.com
Добавлено (14.10.2016, 21:47) --------------------------------------------- New Leadership at NPES/GASC: A Conversation with Thayer Long <a href="http://printing-in-china.com/office-supplies/">office products</a> <a href="http://printing-in-china.com/box-printing/">custom printed boxes</a> 1. Larger, faster, more automated offset litho presses were being acquired in record numbers. More than one press maker explained that offset was back. Actually, these newer presses are replacing two and three older presses. Thus, smaller staff or perhaps the same staff can produce more printing. ,PART ONE - Mr. John Lyons, CEO, Mimeo: Online Print Services Survivor, Market Leader, or Both? Department stores continue to be having troubles. Their year/year growth rate has become negative for greater than a decade. E-commerce sales are maintaining a 15% growth rate. At that rate, they double every five years. The last peak in growth for retail sales excluding motor vehicles what food was in late 2011, which rate, unadjusted for inflation, has slowed for the 2% range. Retail sales really are a function of household income, in addition to their costs, and so they remain sluggish as median household income has still not reached the particular level it turned out at the beginning from the recession. In the meantime, stores, the department stores that anchor them, and mall owners are experiencing difficulity. A Weekly Standard article about Amazon has some insights in it. The downslide of brick and mortar retail stores and malls can cause collection difficulties for printers who sell for many years, but you'll find changes underway that might hold some opportunities for all those printers who seek them. Developers are employing mall complexes for first time buildings including office space and also hospitals and hockey rinks. There will also be new efforts to deal with the shopping experience not only as a matter of location, but holistically to feature all digital touchpoints inside and outside the mall. How will much of this be communicated? It will often require signage, working closely with store managers and local mall management. Those printers, attuned on the nature of communications logistics and data management, will find opportunities there. ,<a href="http://printing-in-china.com/box-printing/">custom cardboard boxes</a> <a href="http://printing-in-china.com/office-supplies/">medical office supplies</a> printing-in-china.com
Добавлено (15.10.2016, 04:40) --------------------------------------------- Oc茅 Changes the Playing Field <a href="http://printing-in-china.com/label-printing/">custom stickers</a> <a href="http://printing-in-china.com/office-supplies/">custom office supplies</a> We asked our respondents should they: ,FREE: Drupa Preview: Sneak Peek at KPG, FujiFilm, dotrix Cash Conservation ,<a href="http://printing-in-china.com/office-supplies/">wholesale stationery</a> <a href="http://printing-in-china.com/office-supplies/">office supply</a> printing-in-china.com
Дата: Суббота, 15.10.2016, 07:20 | Сообщение # 674
Группа: Гости
Как и у всех, опасная болезнь распространилась не сразу, а постепенно. Мы женаты 15 лет. 7 лет назад, я сама поставила мужу. Спиртного становилось все больше, от моего любимого оставалось все меньше. Алкоголизм почти сожрал его душу, тело, разум. Водке почти удалось разрушить мою семью. В любой момент мог спустить деньги, отложенные на отдых или одежду для сына. Все заработанное я прятала. Он все равно находил и пропивал. За годы я перепробовала массу разного. Я искала в интернете, читала литературу, советовалась с подругами. В итоге, мне попалось на глаза нужное средство. Российское, 100% натуральное, одобрено врачами. В составе специальные травы. Восстанавливают печень, легкие, желудок и т.д. А самое главное - вызывают стойкое отвращение к алкоголю. Решила рискнуть. Начала подливать в еду по 10 капель 3 раза в день. Они не пахнут, не имеют вкуса и цвета. То, что нужно! Сказать, что я счастлива, ничего не сказать. После пережитого ада - наступил почти рай. Год он не пьет, устроился на хорошую работу. Ремонт доделали, все новое в доме, мебель, кухня. Сына муж водит в секцию, много времени проводит с семьей. Появился блеск в глазах. О водке и дружках даже не вспоминает. Такая моя история. Если у вас в семье есть алкоголик, попробуйте способ, который мне помог. На этом http://kshop.biz/K6Jqnj/ - сайте подробнее прочитаете. Всем вам желаю крепкой семьи!
Дата: Суббота, 15.10.2016, 12:32 | Сообщение # 675
Группа: Гости
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